Hi all,
We are looking forward to our gathering at the Blacksburg Public Library on April 1 at 7:00 p.m.!
There won't be a vote this month as we only had ONE organization put forward this month----which is the Montgomery County Educational Foundation.
At our meeting we will hear more about this very wonderful organization. They have raised $65,000 for local grants to schools and teachers since 2012. Here is one of their success stories:
A school-wide conversation was created at Belview in March 2014 as they celebrated their 2nd Annual One School, One Book, where children at all grade levels (PreK-5th) were afforded the opportunity to read the same book. The Literacy team at Belview selected Charlotte’s Web. Thanks to the MCEF, every student and staff member at Belview received a student received a copy of the book and read it at home throughout the month of March. With the One School, One Book program, BES built a community of readers by having ALL students, parents, teachers, and administrative staff participate. Activities at Belview coordinated, promoted and enriched the shared reading experience. Belview did a variety of things at school to heighten and promote interest in and discussion of the book including school-wide art and writing accomplishments, daily trivia questions on their live morning announcements, a One School, One Book bloghttp://belviewelementary.blogspot.com/, and a school-wide assembly with Farmer Minor and his pig Daisy, where Principal, Tara Grant, kissed the pig!
They have a Benefits Concert coming up on March 28th---all of their funds will go to grants for our schools and teachers. You can purchase tickets for the concert HERE.
We are proud to extend our donations this quarter to this very important and active local organization headed by some of our own 100+ Women Who Care -NRV women, Sarah Woolsey and Gunin Kiran.
We also wanted to extend a warm welcome to our new members!
For all of you who are either members or not yet members, please take a minute to complete this questionnaire. It will help us determine what direction to move our group and where member interests lie. You can email (100wwc.nrv@gmail.com) it back or print it and bring it to the meeting.
Alexa and Beth
Please answer the following questions:
1) Are you currently involved in a women's group in the NRV?
2) If so, which one(s) are you involved with?
LIST: ___________________________________________________________________
3) If not, have you thought about joining a women's group?
___ Yes
___ No
___ Possibly
4) What aspects of a woman's group appeals to you?
___ inspirational speakers/support
___ advocacy
___ business/being an entrepreneur
___ social
___ other ________________________
5) If you are a paying member of 100+ Women Who Care NRV, what do you enjoy about being part of the group?
___ Giving to local charities
___ Hearing more about local charities
___ Working together with women to make a difference
___ How little time it takes to make a difference
___ Other: ________________________________________________________________
6) If you are not currently a paid member, what stops you from becoming a paid member of 100+ Women Who Care NRV?
___ Not sure what it is
___ I already donate to charities
___ Don't have the time
___ I have not gotten around to it, but plan to join and pay
___ I haven't really given it much thought
___ I didn't realize you had to pay
___ Other __________________________________________________________________
6) Would you like to learn more about 100+ Women Who Care in the NRV?
___ Yes please
___ No, not really
___ I already understand, but have no plans to participate
___ I already understand and I am a paying member
___ I already understand and I will be joining and paying soon
Alexa and Beth
Alexa Casey & Beth Parker, Co-Founders
100+Women Who Care - NRV
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