Sunday, August 24, 2014

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." Winston Churchill

I have lived my life in the shadows of what my parents have done, hoping that my life would have an impact in the world, no matter how small, and I will be remembered by those I've helped along the way.

My parents raised 23 foster children, my father was an active member of a group of young men who started what is known today as The Brownsville Boys Club.  They have left lasting memories behind in the hearts and minds of all those they helped.  It's my turn.

There are many ways in which a person can give (or give back) to their community.  Generosity is a choice. It comes from believing you have something to share. We all have something that can benefit others.

I stumbled upon a wonderful post on Unwrap Your Mind by Tess Marshall.  In it she lists numerous things we all have to give, from love to forgiveness to encouragement.  We can give blood, or emotional support, or the gift of laughter.  All of these are wonderful ways to make an impact.  Many of us think that giving time or money are the only ways in which we can contribute.  While there are those that do need either or both, there are many more who can blossom with the simple act of kindness and understanding from a friend or even better, a stranger.

How will make an impression on someone today, tomorrow, and the next day?  What do you have to give?  Or, if someone has given something to you, I'd love to hear about it.

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